Sunday, May 3, 2020

Seed Planting

More on seed planting depth and timing!

The basic rule for seed depth is 3 times the diameter of the seed.  Now if you have ever planted any of the brassica family you know that the seeds are tiny. Carrot seeds are a bit bigger. Here are a few tricks to get good germination with these tiny seeds.  Place the seeds on top of your worked soil. Cover them with sand or fine soil using the above rule.  You can also place a few radish seeds in the row.  They will sprout first and help break up the soil which may get compacted from the watering you will be doing.  

In terms of timing, the basic rule is to plant the early season seeds when a)your soil can be worked and b) a fist full of sqeezed soil breaks apart easily.

There are a lot of adages floating around but my favorite one that actually works is "wait to plant corn until oak leaves are the size of squirrels ears". I think it is a Native American saying. It works because oaks leaf out later than most trees and that means warmer weather. I wait until then to plant all my squash and cukes too. Melons are the most sensitive to cool weather so go in very last. That is why black plastic mulching helps those.

Feel free to post comments and/or copy to repost! Happy Green Thumbing!!

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