Sunday, April 19, 2020

On Onions

On onions:
There are 4 ways to get your onions in the ground; direct seed, start seeds indoors, onion sets and onion plants. With direct seed the temperature in the soil needs to be fairly warm, warmer than now.  Starting seeds indoors is easy and you get the best, consistent results. I use potting soil in Cool Whip containers. Poke a few holes in the bottom, place on a plate, water well and place it on top of your fridge for a constant temperature. I usually start them 5-8 weeks before I plant them outside (2-4  weeks before expected last frost).  My favorite variety to grow is called Ailsa Craig and produces monster onions that are fairly good keepers. They happen to be named after a Scottish isle. Next up are onion sets that are easy to purchase at your local garden center. Just poke them in the ground as deep as 2-3 times their diameter.  They will emerge in a couple weeks. You can use them young as green onions and the ones you leave after they are thinned you can let grow big.   However sometimes they go to seed. With purchasing bundled plants you have to be careful.  Make sure they are fresh!  A few times, and probably this time, I have  purchased them when  the roots have started to rot. Have any of you had this same experience?

Saturday, April 18, 2020

When To Start a Garden- NOT All at Once!